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Struggling with Unprintable Power BI Reports?

We get it. You love Power BI for analytics, but when it comes to printing, it falls short. Report pages can only be printed one page at a time.

Why Choose When You Can Have Both?

We know the struggle. You need detailed analytics that are also print-friendly. Guess what? Power BI Paginated Reports offers exactly that.

Precision Meets Printability

Optimize for printing and PDFs without sacrificing data depth, thanks to precise layout control.

Scheduled Report Subscriptions

Automate report delivery on a schedule, directly to your team's inbox in any supported format.

Dynamic, User-Centric Reporting

Combine multiple data sources and static datasets effortlessly, all in one report.

Advanced Data Integration

Utilize VB.NET expressions and per-user layouts to deliver highly customized, dynamic reports.

Multi-Format Export and Sharing

Export in formats like Excel, Word, PDF, and more, making it easy to share data in the format that suits your team.

Robust Interactivity Features

Offer drill-down, drill-up, sorting, and tooltips for an interactive reporting experience.

Power BI Paginated Reports

Designed for optimal printing and PDF generation, without sacrificing data depth. The print-friendly, detail-rich reporting solution

Say Goodbye to Printing Hassles

Don’t Let Printing Limitations Hold You Back. Upgrade to Paginated Reports Today

Generating print-friendly invoices used to take us hours. With Power BI paginated reports, it’s literally a click away.